Saturday, March 22, 2008

Polly Surfing...Ice-cream!

I’ve been surfing already this morning. I was awake bright and early, sometime around six o’clock in fact. The waves were lapping gently on the shore as a cool morning breeze blew the clouds across the sky.

Rather than wake DG so early I spent my waking moments cursing my numb fingers and thinking about the summer to come. It was so bright, the daylight bursting through the cream coloured curtains covering my east facing window. Spring has definitely arrived!

Following these quiet moments of contemplation I read the April edition of Camping for a while. I found myself drooling over pictures of collapsible kitchen stands. After twenty years of cooking on my knees, my body has finally rebelled and is demanding a little in the way of home comforts.

Shortly after this DG rose; surprised to find me awake so early, he plodded off to the kitchen to make a brew. We like strong tea with a good flavour; and remarkably this brand has both. When I was skint, ie the other day, I’d popped into Lidl for some bits and pieces and thought I’d try their own brand tea. We were both astounded to discover that it makes a decent cup of tea!

Anyway he’s off ploughing for the day now. Making an early start means that he might actually get his crops sown before the harvest is due. The rain has caused a few problems this year; so it’s very much a case of finger’s crossed.

Left to my own devices, with everyone still asleep I checked in with the addiction centre, aka the computer. Checking my e-mails can be an involved process which often takes me surfing around the globe for hours on end; before completing my assigned task in outlook express. Since Kieran had already popped in and left a comment on yesterday’s post; the first place I went to was Co Kerry via Ice Cream Ireland, I dare say he has been off surfing this morning in real water. My waves come from the sound of the trees which surround my house swaying in the wind!

I’ve also been to the United Kingdom to Dorset to be precise. I was visiting another sometime surfer called Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on his petition site to ban battery chicken farming. As you have probably seen already; I signed up as I firmly believe chickens should be able to run around while they’re producing all that lovely food for us to eat. Anyone who has eaten free range eggs or chicken will know why…

I got to Hugh’s place via a site called Culinary Travels of a Kitchen Goddess. This site is a revelation and has succeeded in putting into practice a lot of my original ideals when starting this blog. I would suggest that anyone wishing to know about food and cooking check it out. She’s got some good tips and a great conversion page which I’ll be printing out to replace the mankey old white board I’ve got hanging off the kitchen wall.

Heaven only knows where else I've been this morning, but let me assure you that my time has not been squandered. I've signed up with 2bWed; a wedding directory to advertise my VINCA cards and wedding stationary and I've activated a subscription to a blog design site that I won the other day.

I've already done a lot of the work for today, and the best bit is that it has been not only interesting; but a pleasure too!This is the life. I'm working in my bathrobe, with a second mug of tea brewing in the kitchen; with my name on it.


Polly Px

ps. Both guy's came back looking for more last night, so we missed out on the Scampi; still I'm pleased to get some fish into them both for once!


Anonymous said...

Sadly it's far too cold here at the moment for real surfing! Have to make do with the web kind...

Polly Pierce said...

It was snowing up here this afternoon! Thankfully it didn't last for long before the sun came out again.

The boys reckon it's too cold for ice-cream this Easter, so I reckon we'll just have to eat 'em all up like the dentist's are recommending!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great comments about my blog, I'm blushing :)

We've had snow here too, very cold and wintery for the time of year.

Heather said...

Hey Polly, Nice to hear from you. I didn't realize you had so many blogs!! Our Easter in Canada is usually a family day - even though most of the stores are open, people are out visiting or taking a day off from shopping. And it's a church holiday too of course, one of the few times of year a lazy Christian makes it to church!

Polly Pierce said...

Hi Heather,
It's nice to see you again. I thoroughly agree with what you sait about Easter, it really is a time to share with family isn't it?