Friday, August 7, 2009

For Polly Bread Matters...

Interestingly enough I completed a consumer survey yesterday evening, which focused mainly on two things I am passionate about. One of these is cheese and the other bread! The whole survey questioned my purchasing habits and whether or not I value quality over price, quoting examples which I had to choose from.

Occasionally ridiculous prices were thrown in, as a test measure - to see if I was truthful and paying attention. I have to admit that I stuck to my guns where cheese was concerned; I can't abide sour milk with colourings and fancy packaging and only ever buy cheese in block form!

It is somewhat ironic then that George's latest post dealt exclusively with the subject of bread. Thanks to George, who introduced me to this lovely book (and website) ; I am now beginning to feel somewhat guilty about my behaviour regarding bread. (Well, the kids prefer white sliced and I like it toasted!)

I think the cover says it all! Why not click on the picture and let yourself be transported to Andrew Whitely's website where you can purchase an autographed copy...


George said...

Interesting post Polly :) Glad my post was of use too.

Polly Pierce said...

George your post was great! It was full of information and great references regarding something which has been a staple for millennia, but sadly taken for granted. Thank you!