Friday, May 2, 2008

Polly's Chic

As an extra special treat for the Bealtaine Festival celebrations I am posting Rebecca Hillman's video of her chicks just after hatching. Okay, to some it's not that special, but as a wanna-be self-sufficient homesteader I think it's lovely!

One thing is for sure; Rebecca and her family will definately be raising these little guys as Free-Range Hens, check out her extra lovely blog for more info on how to be a good small holder.
I just love it and wish that I had the energy to follow suit. Unfortunately at the moment I don't, but we have good intentions; and "Yes; I know! The road to hell is paved with them!"

If like me you have good intentions; but struggle to know where to start, Chicken-Out-TV is the an interesting option. Maybe signing the petition to free Britain's battery hens will inspire you to adopt an ex-battery hen; unfortunately, this only applies in the UK. For those of us in Ireland, why not check out your local newspaper for details on when the poultry people are visiting your nearest town. Rebecca runs courses in all sorts of things as does The Organic Centre...

If you're interested in this type of thing do take a look at my bookshelf; in the left-hand side bar. You should find lots of interesting books and even the odd DVD which will inspire and provide you with lots of practical advice. I can especially recommend John Seymour's 'The New Complete Book of Self Sufficiency'; this lovely hard back book was re-printed a couple of years before he died and covers all there is to know about the subject.

Another terrific book on my bookshelf is Home Farm: A Practical Guide to The Good Life by Paul Heiney. This book is comparable with John Seymour's book, with tons of practical information ranging from choosing your chicken to making cheese virtually every page will have something of use on it!

My copies of these two books are very well thumbed at this stage, as are the River Cottage video's that BJK bought me a couple of years ago. If nothing else they make for a peaceful evening, with no rows over which channel to watch or who's playstation game is in use, blah, blah , blah!

Ahh! One can dream...

Polly Peirce


Anonymous said...

What a lovely blog to find Polly. I love the little video clip too, very cute.

Polly Pierce said...

Those chicks are just so cute, aren't they?!

It really makes me want to dash up to Mountmellick next week and buy a couple of poullets (point of lay hens)...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes if I had the space I'd love some hens.